Protein Lab

The Swiss food system faces the major challenge of reducing the environmental impact of current meat consumption and doing justice to the ethical aspects of factory farming. The protein revolution is the answer, but regulatory hurdles and a lack of collaboration within the plant-based protein industry are making this change more difficult. Together with Sentience and the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, collaboratio helvetica designed and carried out the Protein Lab, contributing to the protein revolution by uniting stakeholders from different parts of the food system, analysing systemic barriers and promoting collaborative solutions.

Our Vision

We envision Switzerland as a pioneering country implementing measures on a systemic level to make the protein revolution a reality.

Our Approach

  • Introducing new methods and a systemic approach to promote a deeper understanding of the complex food system and the need for collaboration.

  • Defining important leverage points within and outside the food system through networking and exchange of perspectives.

  • Recognising intersections of existing initiatives and engagements to foster a sense of community and encourage collaborations.

Addressing Key Needs

  1. With the Protein Lab, we provided the space for intersectoral networking and collaboration, setting the stage for future development.

  2. We fostered a deeper understanding of the complexity of the food system and each stakeholder’s role within it, revealing important insights and leverage points.

  3. The participants showed interest in further such processes and emphasised the importance of initiatives such as the Protein Lab, that address systemic approaches and promote cross-sector collaboration.


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