ChangeNow 2022 Summit in Paris

ChangeNOW 2022, one of the world’s largest events addressing our planetary challenges, hosted a panel discussion with changemakers of our time. Collaboratio helvetica was represented by Nora Wilhelm, who engaged in an inspiring discussion with Satish Kumar from Schumacher College, proposing the systemic approach to the environmental challenges.

Our Vision

We envision a world, where the old paradigm of separation between humans and nature can be bridged, leading to a new paradigm of collaboration, meaningful connection and regenerative change.

Our Approach

  • We spread awareness and inspire fellow changemakers and beyond by sharing our knowledge and methods around awareness-based systems change.

Addressing Key Needs

  1. Our society needs to find ways to tackle the underlying issues (the root causes) of the climate crisis, instead of regressing to fighting the symptoms.

  2. Awareness-based systems change allows a holistic approach to today’s challenges, providing solutions with profound and sustainable impact.


Federal Celebration Speech 2022 on the Rütli


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