Roadmap 2030

A new strategy

Collaboratio helvetica was founded in early 2017, with the vision to catalyse systems change towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Switzerland. At the core of collaboratio helvetica’s work is the activation of an ecosystem of individuals and organisations that leverages cross-sector collaboration. Since then, we tested our assumptions, ran countless experiments and gained crucial insights around how social innovation towards this vision could be realised and what this Work takes. On this basis, we constantly improved our strategy and sharpened our mission over the years. The 2019 strategy revision for example led to the creation of the highly successful Catalyst Lab to fill the gaps we had identified. 

Ahead of our 5th anniversary in 2022, we invested additional resources in an in-depth reflection, evaluation and learning process. As we look back to 2017, we see how spot on our original inquiry was, and how many winding paths we had to take - and will continue to take - to find out what it really takes to effectively do this work. We are excited to present our roadmap 2030, which contains our sharpened strategy with five pillars, vision and mission.

A vision for Switzerland and beyond

Our vision is a Switzerland where the values of ecological responsibility, humanity and the common good are guiding individual and collective action. Our mission is to bring people together to build the culture, capacity and resources to co-create the Switzerland we want to live in. We are working on this mission towards our vision by working on the five strategic pillars “Inspire”, “Connect”, “Develop”, “Empower” and “Co-create”.


The newly defined strategy is a framework for the time span from 2021 to 2030. It lists the areas of work that collaboratio helvetica has identified as being key to fulfil its mission towards its vision, which is an evolutionary purpose. It is not linear, nor static or rigid. It describes a cyclical dynamic leading towards higher impact, as well as a set of mutually reinforcing focus areas. As a learning organisation, we will continuously revise the strategy on the basis of learning from each domain and activity, as well as when emergent opportunities or challenges require attention. This framework will also guide the project’s specific strategies and help the team learn, reflect and evaluate where we need to focus resources on, which activities are bringing the organisation closer to the intended impact and where adjustments are needed. We know that coherence, open communication and integrity with the organisation’s principles are crucial and must be ensured across all strategic pillars. Our learning ecology practises as well as the core methods and models the team has developed such as the Impact Loop of Inner & Outer Work ensure that the ‘how’ is not lost in the ambition of building institutional structures. On all levels, the inner work drives the outer work, which drives the impact, and we will continue to expand our capacity to do the challenging work of systems change.

Below, you will find the refined formulation of our vision, mission, short description as well as the new strategy in five pillars. We are looking forward to collaborating with many of you over the next five years, and to the learnings that will come from this!


Our vision is a Switzerland where the values of ecological responsibility, humanity and the common good are guiding individual and collective action.


We bring people together to build the culture, capacity and resources to co-create the Switzerland we want to live in.

Short description

The challenges of our time require new forms of collaboration and a holistic way of thinking. Switzerland has a long tradition of collaboration and dialogue across language barriers and religious divides. Collaboratio helvetica therefore believes in Switzerland's unique potential to leverage participatory approaches and collaboration to contribute to a change towards more ecological responsibility, humanity and the common good. The organisation catalyses the societal transformation of Switzerland by cultivating a cross-sectoral innovation ecosystem, building capacity for systemic change and convening stakeholders around the complex challenges addressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Collaboratio helvetica empowers committed people and organisations to shift deeply ingrained attitudes and mindsets,  conduct dialogues more effectively, implement new forms of collaboration and thus collectively imagine and shape the Switzerland of tomorrow.

  • We raise awareness, inform stakeholders and broader audiences, and inspire them to engage. We address different sectors and share stories of transformation.

  • Public appearances

    Public events

    Thought leadership

    Media relations

    Storytelling/ communication

    Advocacy work

  • We nurture a cross-sectoral ecosystem and community as well as a culture of participation. We activate communities of practice and collaboration around SDGs, places, practices and root causes.

  • Community and platform (on- and offline)

    Partnership building & Ecosystem Activation


    Communities of practice

  • We test, develop and share knowledge, tools and methods for collaboration and systems change and build the needed capacity for transformation. We create room for our own learning and continuously act upon insights.

  • Workshops & trainings

    Knowledge sharing

    Catalyst Lab

    Institutionali-sing into academia and other organisations

    Organisational self-development and training

  • We build the needed infrastructure & resources for Social Innovation Labs and other systems change initiatives towards the SDGs and facilitate access to funding, high level stakeholders and other pre-conditions.

  • Catalyst Lab

    Catalyst project support in Learning Ecology, Infoflow, Fundraising, etc.

    Funding Systems Change initiative

    Partnership building & Ecosystem Activation

  • We co-initiate, support and hold spaces for transformation, collaboration and co-creation across sectors.

  • Social Innovation Labs

    Collaborations and services

    Nova Helvetia

    Project support

    Institutionali-sation of solutions and projects

    Contribution to a learning society


The philanthropist - Accelerating funding for systems change


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