The Sustainability Transformation: A Joint Task for Our Society

With a lot of enthusiasm we supported the design and especially the flow of the morning for  the SDSN Conference 2019 under the Motto “The Sustainability Transformation: A Joint Task for Our Society". A slightly new format wanted to be brought forward where the participants are not only invited to a conference with powerful speeches and panels but also to learn and be inspired from real and hands on cases. The morning was designed with six in parallel running Learning Journeys that allowed smaller groups to elaborate an indepths understanding of a specific topic and taking time to sense the most impactful next steps. Powerful Calls to Action got presented in the afternoon by the participants following the deep immersion into the realities of the social fields they got the opportunity to sense into.

Many people shared how this format impacted them, opened new sights, moved and touched them. This gave us all an experience of what more is possible and what happens when we co-learn with and from each other while working on new solutions and meet the urgencies with a shared care for the complexity, co-creating new pathways of HOW to do it.

Call to Action:

Textiles: We invite government to set incentives for local production, business model experimentation and transparency of environmental and social impacts. Through our purchasing choices we can influence business practices.

Mobilität: Mobilität verändern statt fördern.

Gender: Wir erschaffen neue Narrative und Prototypen, im Innen und Aussen, um eine inklusive und repräsentative Gesellschaft zu entwerfen.

Migration: Wir laden Dich ein Brückenbauer/in zu sein, Deine Komfortzone zu teilen und den Austausch zu suchen; von der Politik fordern wir die Ressourcen und den Fokus auf die Förderung des Positiven.

Quartierentwicklung: Siedlungen und Quartiere sind Brennpunkte der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation. Deshalb wollen wir nachhaltige Wohnformen und das Zusammenleben in solchen Quartieren konkret erlebbar machen. Alltagsnah & niederschwellig.

Ernährung: Lasst uns gemeinsam Vorbilder sein und Räume schaffen für bewusste Ernährung voller Genuss.

Here are some impressions:


Why we still need to go to the streets for gender equity in 2019


Finding the lightbeam